Designing a banner appears to be a simple thing on the surface. Just put together the words and images you need, print it, and display it. Easy. But surprising numbers of banners fall flat, as designers underestimate the planning and skill involved in making an effective banner. if you are looking for the best place to start a career in design look no further.

In particular, there are certain things you simply must avoid doing if you want to create an effective banner. Here is what not to do with your banner design.

  1. Forget About Banner Placement

It is a mistake to fail to consider where the banner is going to be displayed. The positioning of your banner will affect the materials you use, the size, the colours, and the message. You must get the position clear first, and then you can continue with the rest of the design. Although, if you are unsure about the designing elements and their use in a banner creation, you could always take the help of a banner designing company like MIGHTY SIGNS (have a look at signage st kilda) who can provide you with signage based on your requirements.

  1. Use a Fancy Font

Intricate and delicate and experimental fonts are great in magazine work but you need to avoid them in banner printing. You must aim for readable and clear, so choose a font which stands out, is simple, and eye-catching. The worst fonts are thin and with plenty of embellishment. People simply cannot read them from a distance.

  1. Choose Pale Colours

Another mistake people make with roller banners is to use pale colours that do not stand out from a distance. A banner must be visible and the best way to use colour to create a highly visible banner is to use bright colours which contrast with each other, rather than blend in. Banner colours must stand out from each other, and also from the surroundings. Don’t forget about where the banner will be positioned when you are planning your colour scheme – a black banner will not work well on a black wall.

  1. Use Small Text

Another issue with banner printing is the tendency to use text that is too small to be easily read or noticed. To effectively capture people’s attention, all text on the banner should be large enough to be visible from a distance. So, before proceeding with banner printing in Martinez, GA, or any other location, ensure that your banner design features sufficiently large text.

  1. Write Elaborate Copy

A banner is not the perfect place for testing out your new, in-depth review of a product. Keep copy short and simple. A banner is read by people who are walking or driving past. The copy must be a few words or a short section of text. Avoid putting paragraphs of text onto a banner.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/