History seems to keep repeating itself with what can be said to be various shapes, forms and iterations of a the famous Ponzi Scheme, where those who get in first into any industry really make all the money, often making all that money from luring in more starry eyed hopefuls seeking to make their fortune by replicating the actions of those who went before them. The trading industry hasn’t been immune to this wave of deceit and outright conning to be frank, with the emergence of so many so-called trading experts selling people information which is more readily and freely available than made out to be, through their “high-ticket” seminars, training programmes and the likes.

Just as was the case with the dot-com boom-bust however, certain players in the trading space have proven their mettle and stood the test of time, growing stronger in popularity and in reputation with each passing day, simply because they’re the legitimate channels through which one can participate in what can be the very lucrative and rewarding world of trading.

eToro is one such platform, making for what I’d go out on a limb and say is the best way to learn how to trade today. Why is this?

Well this is a social trading platform, or perhaps what could be better described to be a social trading and learning platform. This means that unlike many of the tens of thousands of opportunities to learn how to trade you’d come across today if you merely did a Google search, with eToro you get to learn from what will be your newfound peers as they go about their trading efforts in a genuine trading environment. You actually get to follow top traders and investors like a certain Jay Smith (a.k.a Jaynemesis), keeping tabs and learning from his trades as he executes them and provides reasons for why he’s taking positions on certain trades.

eToro is basically driven by the community of traders and investors who make use of the platform, so not only would a budding trader who is learning the ropes be able to follow closely on the trades of top investors such as Jaynemesis, but they can also literally follow him and others by copying his and their trades! It’s no surprise novice traders are visiting sites like https://kryptoszene.de/broker/etoro-erfahrungen/ to learn more!

This is perhaps the ultimate in community based learning with results that have the potential to benefit the entire community of social traders, because you get cases of big success like that of Jay and you get to be in on his success by learning from him and even copying him.

Jay’s specific interest targets cyrptocurrencies, specifically BitCoin, which he first bought when it was priced at a mere $12 per complete unit (per BitCoin), but the beauty of this platform is that there are many other investors and traders who are all experts in different areas of trading and different markets, putting the novice trader in line to benefit from a widespread wealth of knowledge.

It’s not even a platform exclusively for wealthy investors — not at all in fact, with the budding trader having easy access even if they have the tiniest of budgets available to them.