Four Ways You Can Value Your People Sep 22nd
Your staff may not be listed on any inventory sheet, but they are the most important asset you have. You have spent countless hours investing in their knowledge of your product and company. They hold your production and the value of your business in their hands. They have spent a full ⅓ or more of their waking hours supporting a vision, mission, and process that you have set forth. If you have done a good job of creating a team atmosphere, they have a sense of ownership and a sense of pride in this business of yours. In what ways can you show them how much you value them.
Allowing for the type of business you are in, freedom to do what they need to do, when it needs to be done is a powerful display of trust. If them working from a home office is a possibility, give it a shot. If they are able to manage your workload while in their pajamas or running errands, win-win.
The more you allow for win-win opportunities that show the depth of your trust, the more significant the investment of themselves they make. Ultimately freedom to make decisions on their own is the highest form of trust. From the little decisions of working at home, to the big decisions involving high dollar investments, there is a line of increasing trust on both sides.
Investing in their families shows a high degree of value. Considering the amount of time they spend with you normally, if you are also using additional time, (overtime or salaried), you are impacting their family. How you show value to their family can be done in a myriad of ways. You could have family days at a ballpark, you could give out vacations, you could go as far as to support the costs of a child in the middle of a mental or physical emergency. Giving out scholarships based on merits you set, could provide a significant step up to a motivated student. If you tie it to your business, it could also be a way of investing in your future as well.
Hearing what they have to say could have significant financial impact on your business. Some of the best and brightest minds go to waste in the soundproof enclosures of companies who don’t listen. Encourage thought, encourage conversation about systems, encourage big ideas. Learn to ask good questions, so you know where your employees are at. Pay attention to what and how things are being said. Be available and easy to talk to.
Pay well
Very simply, they are not working for you for their health. There is money involved. No matter how cool of a boss you are, if they cannot make what it takes to survive, they are going to be looking. Obviously you cannot pay extravagantly or you’ll happy yourself right out of business.
Pay the best you possibly can, share profits, create retirement accounts or even give them materials for their own use. Within the tax laws find creative ways for your employees to enrich their lives as much as they are enriching yours.
Sep 22nd
Your staff may not be listed on any inventory sheet, but they are the most important asset you have. You have spent countless hours investing in their knowledge of your product and company. They hold your production and the value of your business in their hands. They have spent a full ⅓ or more of their waking hours supporting a vision, mission, and process that you have set forth. If you have done a good job of creating a team atmosphere, they have a sense of ownership and a sense of pride in this business of yours. In what ways can you show them how much you value them.
Allowing for the type of business you are in, freedom to do what they need to do, when it needs to be done is a powerful display of trust. If them working from a home office is a possibility, give it a shot. If they are able to manage your workload while in their pajamas or running errands, win-win.
The more you allow for win-win opportunities that show the depth of your trust, the more significant the investment of themselves they make. Ultimately freedom to make decisions on their own is the highest form of trust. From the little decisions of working at home, to the big decisions involving high dollar investments, there is a line of increasing trust on both sides.
Investing in their families shows a high degree of value. Considering the amount of time they spend with you normally, if you are also using additional time, (overtime or salaried), you are impacting their family. How you show value to their family can be done in a myriad of ways. You could have family days at a ballpark, you could give out vacations, you could go as far as to support the costs of a child in the middle of a mental or physical emergency. Giving out scholarships based on merits you set, could provide a significant step up to a motivated student. If you tie it to your business, it could also be a way of investing in your future as well.
Hearing what they have to say could have significant financial impact on your business. Some of the best and brightest minds go to waste in the soundproof enclosures of companies who don’t listen. Encourage thought, encourage conversation about systems, encourage big ideas. Learn to ask good questions, so you know where your employees are at. Pay attention to what and how things are being said. Be available and easy to talk to.
Pay well
Very simply, they are not working for you for their health. There is money involved. No matter how cool of a boss you are, if they cannot make what it takes to survive, they are going to be looking. Obviously you cannot pay extravagantly or you’ll happy yourself right out of business.
Pay the best you possibly can, share profits, create retirement accounts or even give them materials for their own use. Within the tax laws find creative ways for your employees to enrich their lives as much as they are enriching yours.