Important practices that are an alternative to brainstorming Jan 30th
People are used to engaging in group discussions to come up with unique ideas. While this is one of the effective ways to create new ideas, there’s a host of other methods that you can use to come up with workable strategies in marketing.
Forced Connection
This method involves combining two unrelated ideas to form something interesting. For instance, you can come with a bag of different items and present them to your team. Challenge each member to take a pair of items that are unrelated, and try to create a way in which the two can connect. This might appear to be a weird approach, but it usually helps people to be creative.
Zero Drafting
This is focused free-writing that can be applied by writers to come up with new ideas. This helps agency professionals and marketers to apply what they initially know about a given project to form new ideas. The first step involves noting down everything you know about the specified project. Second, write down the things that you would like to know concerning the subject, then reflect on the importance of the subject. Lastly, try to incorporate everything that’s floating in your head by adding your imagination. Zero drafting is aimed at getting any funny or creative ideas that may be in your head to create new strategies.
Forming Assumptions Through Questions
We can make deductions of the strategies that are likely to work or fail to form ideas. Come up with a list of all possible assumptions that you can make about a given project. During the process of evaluating these assumptions, you might come across some useful strategies for businesses.
These initials stand for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse. This is a process that aims at improving and expanding various ideas through questioning and testing a project. The method unravels new possibilities by questioning every aspect of the project.
Brain Writing
This is a simple exercise that calls for participants to note down any rough ideas they might have for solving a given issue. After noting down the ideas, the participants exchange the papers, and their colleagues add ideas to each other’s paper. This rotation is done until each paper passes through every member. The method is efficient in giving every member an equal opportunity for their ideas to be heard.
The method gives participants an opportunity to make wild imaginations about the subject matter. Tell the participants to think to the extreme, including things that they would perceive unachievable. Use these wishes to come up with realistic ideas.
Jan 30th
People are used to engaging in group discussions to come up with unique ideas. While this is one of the effective ways to create new ideas, there’s a host of other methods that you can use to come up with workable strategies in marketing.
Forced Connection
This method involves combining two unrelated ideas to form something interesting. For instance, you can come with a bag of different items and present them to your team. Challenge each member to take a pair of items that are unrelated, and try to create a way in which the two can connect. This might appear to be a weird approach, but it usually helps people to be creative.
Zero Drafting
This is focused free-writing that can be applied by writers to come up with new ideas. This helps agency professionals and marketers to apply what they initially know about a given project to form new ideas. The first step involves noting down everything you know about the specified project. Second, write down the things that you would like to know concerning the subject, then reflect on the importance of the subject. Lastly, try to incorporate everything that’s floating in your head by adding your imagination. Zero drafting is aimed at getting any funny or creative ideas that may be in your head to create new strategies.
Forming Assumptions Through Questions
We can make deductions of the strategies that are likely to work or fail to form ideas. Come up with a list of all possible assumptions that you can make about a given project. During the process of evaluating these assumptions, you might come across some useful strategies for businesses.
These initials stand for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse. This is a process that aims at improving and expanding various ideas through questioning and testing a project. The method unravels new possibilities by questioning every aspect of the project.
Brain Writing
This is a simple exercise that calls for participants to note down any rough ideas they might have for solving a given issue. After noting down the ideas, the participants exchange the papers, and their colleagues add ideas to each other’s paper. This rotation is done until each paper passes through every member. The method is efficient in giving every member an equal opportunity for their ideas to be heard.
The method gives participants an opportunity to make wild imaginations about the subject matter. Tell the participants to think to the extreme, including things that they would perceive unachievable. Use these wishes to come up with realistic ideas.