Time to Trade Your CFD Trading Account for an Online Sports Betting Account? Dec 12th
It should be clear to you by now that we live in a world where the economic system favours those who endeavour to break free from the cycle of going to work every day to slave away for that weekly or monthly paycheque that’s just enough to pay off your bills. You need to invest some of your money into something that pays off in a way that doesn’t require you to break your back or put in the same amount of hours to get the same output.
Naturally, many people look towards trading as a way to supplement their main income, but trading something like CFDs (Contracts for Differences) is something which only really pays off for a few people, most of which are the brokers and not so much the traders.
Cue Online Sports Betting as an Alternative
Before you throw your arms up in the air and dismiss the very idea of trading in your CFD trading account for an online sports betting account, consider one important factor, that being the odds. Granted, you probably don’t think about odds when trading CFDs because we’re all made to believe trading in this way involves skill and not so much luck. It’s otherwise exactly like betting though because is there anyone on earth who can say for sure that a stock’s price is going to go up or down? No! Not even Warren Buffet knows.
It’s about the Odds
If on the other hand you endeavour to find best odds associated with online sports betting over CFD trading, what you very quickly realise is that with sports betting you can at least work those odds in your favour. This means that you can make sure to at least place bets with the best of these odds working for you instead of against you. Online bookmakers, or case de pariuri online as they say in Romania, can give you better odds than you could ever expect when trading CFD. CFD traders would love to believe that they are indeed fully in control of how their trading positions react to the markets, but if you really think about it then you’ll realise that it is indeed not unlike gambling, but the sort of blind gambling where your skill counts for very little and you even pay a fee whether you “win” or “lose.”
You Know Why You Win or Lose with Sports Betting
With sports betting you can precisely point to the exact parameters for your win or your loss, i.e. the result of the outcome of the sports events in line with your predictions, which can be some educated predictions if you take the time to analyse the odds according to mathematical principles of statistics. If you look at a league like the Italian Serie A for instance, you’ll realise that a team like Juventus generally loses up to three or four times per season, while on every one of the occasions during which it plays it comes in as the favourite. So this means you have about three or four chances per season for your bet against huge odds to pay off big time!
Dec 12th
It should be clear to you by now that we live in a world where the economic system favours those who endeavour to break free from the cycle of going to work every day to slave away for that weekly or monthly paycheque that’s just enough to pay off your bills. You need to invest some of your money into something that pays off in a way that doesn’t require you to break your back or put in the same amount of hours to get the same output.
Naturally, many people look towards trading as a way to supplement their main income, but trading something like CFDs (Contracts for Differences) is something which only really pays off for a few people, most of which are the brokers and not so much the traders.
Cue Online Sports Betting as an Alternative
Before you throw your arms up in the air and dismiss the very idea of trading in your CFD trading account for an online sports betting account, consider one important factor, that being the odds. Granted, you probably don’t think about odds when trading CFDs because we’re all made to believe trading in this way involves skill and not so much luck. It’s otherwise exactly like betting though because is there anyone on earth who can say for sure that a stock’s price is going to go up or down? No! Not even Warren Buffet knows.
It’s about the Odds
If on the other hand you endeavour to find best odds associated with online sports betting over CFD trading, what you very quickly realise is that with sports betting you can at least work those odds in your favour. This means that you can make sure to at least place bets with the best of these odds working for you instead of against you. Online bookmakers, or case de pariuri online as they say in Romania, can give you better odds than you could ever expect when trading CFD. CFD traders would love to believe that they are indeed fully in control of how their trading positions react to the markets, but if you really think about it then you’ll realise that it is indeed not unlike gambling, but the sort of blind gambling where your skill counts for very little and you even pay a fee whether you “win” or “lose.”
You Know Why You Win or Lose with Sports Betting
With sports betting you can precisely point to the exact parameters for your win or your loss, i.e. the result of the outcome of the sports events in line with your predictions, which can be some educated predictions if you take the time to analyse the odds according to mathematical principles of statistics. If you look at a league like the Italian Serie A for instance, you’ll realise that a team like Juventus generally loses up to three or four times per season, while on every one of the occasions during which it plays it comes in as the favourite. So this means you have about three or four chances per season for your bet against huge odds to pay off big time!