Most people can see the intrinsic value of an old, historical building but almost everyone will look in awe at an ancient, veteran tree that has obviously withstood the ravages of time and human habitation of its planet to survive for so long.

Just like a listed building the tree presents as an item of special interest and its cultural and aesthetic value is a measurable quantity purely on the time it has been alive.

How ancient trees have survived the generations

Landowners of royal estates have traditionally shown a commendable restraint from engaging in deforestation for financial gain, underscoring a respect for the natural world that is both rare and exemplary. The trees, many of which have adorned the landscape for centuries, have been preserved, allowed to flourish and stand tall without threat of felling.

The care extended to these ancient trees serves as a testament to the importance of tree care in maintaining the ecological and aesthetic value of the land. For those seeking to replicate this level of care and attention to their own trees, professional services such as those offered by a jacksonville florida tree service or similar business elsewhere can provide essential expertise. From pruning to disease management, these specialists play a crucial role in ensuring the health and longevity of trees.

Identifying a veteran tree

There is a list of ways that can help a person recognise a veteran tree but sometimes the characteristics don’t necessarily exist at all. They are:

  • Girth that is considered large for the tree species concerned
  • Major trunk cavities or progressive hollowing
  • Naturally forming water pools
  • Physical damage to trunk, decay or bark loss
  • Large quantity of dead wood in the canopy
  • Sap runs
  • Crevices in the bark, under branches or on the root plate sheltered from direct rainfall
  • Fungal fruiting bodies (e.g. from heart rotting species)
  • High number of interdependent wildlife species
  • Epiphytic plants
  • High aesthetic interest, cultural/historic value or an ‘old look’
  • Show indications of past management
  • Stand on a prominent position in the landscape

The importance of veteran trees

Veteran trees are often historically linked with significant events. All, however, have historical value. These trees have survived the past, relics of an ancient landscape. Trees become a living document, showing their origin and a story of landscape management. Veteran trees are often found to be markers that occur at boundary banks or hedgerows, meaning they contribute to studies on ancient land divisions.

Management of veteran trees

Considering the importance of these historic markers on our planet, it goes without saying that working on ancient trees is a dangerous and often tricky endeavour thanks to the tools and climbing required and the legality around trees. For this reason, only experienced contractors who carry tree surgeon insurance should undertake the work.

How to manage veteran trees

Any tree surgeon should produce a management plan that assesses the site or tree in question. A decision to actively manage an ancient tree should not be taken lightly, as many can be left alone to flourish. You’ll need to assess safety, whether cutting will damage its value in the landscape, whether the cutting will harm the biological value of the site and more.