4 Keys Tips for Job-Hunting in 2016

Thinking of applying for a new job? With the New Year fast approaching, there’s no better time for a fresh start, a chance to make the big changes that you’ve been thinking about over 2015. Job-hunting can be hard work, and more often than not it takes a fair few attempts before we have a success, especially in today’s much more competitive job market. But with the right guidance one can easily find a job.

That said, before applying for jobs, decide what career path would be the most suitable for you. Do you want to opt for a career in consumer services (check out the blog posts at Careers4U to learn more about this) or would you like to be a software engineer? There are many more options to choose from. So, you need to be decisive. Once you have decided, you could begin the hunting process.

Having said that, here are some things that you can consider to make sure you’re completely prepared.

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Success Comes to Those who Don’t Play Games – or Does It?

Stop playing games and focus on more important things – I have heard this phrase one too many times. Of course, focusing on the task you have at hand is a most important thing. There is no need to remind me of this. But keeping my mind clear and relaxed is maybe even more important. Working with numbers, working with people, working a creative job – these all require your brain to be relaxed and tip top.

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Is a Trade Show a Worthwhile Investment for a Small Business?

Before social media came to the fore, trade shows were considered to be a hot ticket for small businesses. It was an opportunity to forge strong relationships with your peers, meet new customers, and learn more about the latest products and services being offered by competitors. These days, however, there are so many newer types of marketing to take advantage of that a trade show is seen by some as distinctly “old fashioned”. Continue reading “Is a Trade Show a Worthwhile Investment for a Small Business?”

Enjoyment To Employment: Earning Money From Your Automotive Hobby

Every down-home cook and amateur photographer dreams of taking their recreation and turning it into a source of income. Although it can happen, it’s tougher in certain fields. Most of the time, you need to have extensive specialized knowledge to get enough work to really say you earn money at your hobby. So the artsy guy with the $800 camera getup and the master of Granny’s recipes face far more competition than somebody who has gradually self-taught some very specialized skills, then carried that knowledge into a formal education program.

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6 Signs It’s Time to Hire Some Assistance

Let’s face it, if business owners could do it all and still be successful, there’d likely be a LOT less jobs available on the market today. The truth is, however, that everyone in business needs help at some point. Whether it’s hiring a staff to tackle routine tasks or working with a consultant to get ideas about marketing or expansions, there’s going to come a time when you need to reach out to someone and say HELP! Continue reading “6 Signs It’s Time to Hire Some Assistance”

Keeping Your Staff Happy and Motivated

When you hear someone say ‘people are a company’s most important resource’ what do you think? Do you think it sounds cheesy or that it is so true?

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During my freshman year of high school I played football. I sucked.


I sat the bench for every game and was effectively a human punching bag at practice. I was too skinny and too weak to tackle other players. I couldn’t take them down, no matter how hard I tried. That was until I found the magic of tripping. When I went to make a tackle, if got my feet tangled up with theirs they would go down. It worked like a charm. I could finally make tackles. But there was just one, not-so-little, problem… tripping is illegal.