One could argue that business and marketing is solely comprised of psychology and psychological techniques, but that would lose some essence of lots of different types of approaches to the topic. But, when you’ve gone through all of the standard tropes and cliches surrounding how your advertising scheme is supposed to work, specifically focusing on psychology will help make some of your techniques that much more concrete.


Specifically, you can do things like read about addiction, research various theories and test them in your marketing processes, embrace the idea of groupthink, always keep in mind that colors and graphics matter, and use the shortest feedback cycles possible with respect to the reaction of human minds to your brand or product.

Read About Addiction

One direct (if slightly alternative) approach to marketing would be to study addiction and addictive behaviors. As you research into people’s decision-making processes who have issues with addiction, think to yourself how those behaviors can be tapped into inside of the constructs of advertising. How can you habituate a need for your product or brand? That’s all that really great advertising is when you get down to it. So by learning about extreme forms, you can take notes and use certain functions more subtly.

Check Out Theories and Test Them

Marketing theories change over time. Usually based on new data, when new technology comes around, there will be shifts in consumer behavior. A huge, recent shift that has occurred has come in the form of online shopping behaviors. By researching online shopping data, you can find out where your particular brand can fit into the spectrum to reach the most people effectively.

Embrace Groupthink

When it comes to advertising and business marketing, groupthink is your best friend. If you can somehow get more than one person to start thinking simultaneous thoughts about something, anything, related to your product, you can piggyback on the psychological behavior of people wanting to fit in to serve your advertising purposes

Colors Matter

And sometimes you can get so caught up in the actual content of your marketing, that you forget the psychological impact of color and design. If you put the same words on a page, but with different colors and shapes surrounding them, they’ll have a different impact on people. Choose these elements wisely, and benefit from intelligent design. If yours is an emerging business that caters to the legal cannabis market, then you may choose to take help from michigan marketing experts (or your preferred business location) who can usually implement the ideas behind color psychology, along with other optimizing elements, into your website.

Use Short Feedback Cycles

If you have the opportunity to try some new type of advertising and then quickly get feedback on it from trusted consumers, get that cycle going as quickly as possible. This way, you can go through a number of options regarding what ‘the best’ form of presentation is, from a psychological standpoint, and then work forward from there.