On average, people spend 4.7 hours on their phones a day. When you consider the fact that the average human is awake 15 hours a day, that equates to about a third of your day wasted on your cellphone. It’s a somewhat sad reality when you really think about it. What is it about technology and social media that draws an individual in to spend a third of their day on it? With a world of adventure out there, what draws the crowd into a 3 inch by 6 inch screen?


That’s probably more of a discussion that should be reserved for a philosophy class. For now, you as a business owner need to focus on the reality of this matter so that you can capitalize on it. That’s what business is about, anyway. You see the trends of society, you predict the wants and needs of customers, and you fill them.

One strategy you don’t want to miss out on for 2016 is the use of SMS technology. What is SMS? Let’s talk about it and what it can do for you.

What It Is

The technical term SMS, or Short Message Service is just the fancy way to label a text message. Because you’re part of the digital age, you can probably imagine why a text message can be used at such an advantage for a business.

It’s Global

SMS is beautiful because it it’s effortlessly global. What that means is that it’s instant, easy to use, and covers the entire globe thanks to satellites. Even the internet is limited due to the fact that rural areas of the world don’t have technology to receive internet signals.

With text message, it’s a bit different. Even those without an internet connection can receive a text almost instantly. This opens your business market up to the entire world much faster than an email or an ad.

It’s Noninvasive

Sales have a reputation of being rather pushy and invasive. There’s a fine line to walk when you’re trying to run a business and sell a product, but people don’t like having your sales pitches thrown in their faces. With SMS, the customer has the option to receive your messages. You can promote sales and product to all of your customers through an SMS message and the user can see it and either use it, or disregard it entirely

Since people today are used to being inundated with messages from all sorts of different outlets, your use of SMS doesn’t feel invasive to them. If anything, it makes them feel special because they’re receiving limited offers and being updated on what’s going on first out of anybody.